

Want to burn some FAT?

Top 10 List Of Fat Burning Foods

Foods that instantly burn fat!

1Blueberries :
Be smart with these little gems that are a great source of antioxidants plus their ability of reversing degenerative diseases.
2- Tomatoes :
Even though its season is short, yet you can get the same benefits from ketchup and tomato sauce. It has a lot of vitamins and it’s a strong disease fighter as well. Tomatoes fight cancer too and good for your heart, what are you waiting for go grab your tomatoes soon.
3- Salmon :
Wild or gentle it’s the power source rich in omega -3, fatty acids and the best friend to your brain and heart. Eat any kind of fish at least 3 times a week.
4- Beans :
The more you eat, the more you’ll… LIVE! Because they prevent cancer, balance your blood sugar levels and curb your hunger that prevents overeating.
5- Soy:
Milk, shakes, nuts or cereals, soy is enriched source of protein, don’t miss it, and if you can’t swallow it plain, season it by adding a pinch of any spice you want, so easy, GET IT NOW.
6- Spanich :
Not only rich in iron but also includes beta carotene, vitamins B, C and E, calcium and magnesium.
7- Tea :
Green, red or even black, zero calories and comes with health benefits.  It is an anti-allergy, anti-inflammatory that will boost your metabolism. I will pour a cup, would you like some!
8- Yogurt :
When you hear its name you already start felling healthy everywhere. It is a great snack or dressing with a little bit of olive oil. But the most important thing about yogurt is the presence of pre-biotics and pro-biotics —living organisms that promote gastrointestinal health.
9- Walnuts:
One of the few rich sources of plant-derived omega-3 fatty acids. 3 of it with a cup of water will make you full for hours.
10- Broccoli:
The best to meet your nutrient needs full of foliate and fiber.


Congrats Bysshia

Bysshia, had become somewhat discouraged because she was sitting at a plateau of an 87 pound lost for about 2 months.  I informed her to start increasing her cardio, giving her body something different to do than the usual routine.  I'd like to report that Bysshia has 1 more pound to drop and she will be at a whopping 90 pound lost. 

                                    CONGRATS  TO YOU BYSSHIA

                          you certainly have done an outstanding job...

Count Down

Started this healthier lifestyle back in January 2012 weighing in at 254 pounds, here I am almost 9 months later 43 pounds lighter. 7 pounds to go and I'll be 50 pounds lighter. Working towards my goal of being 85 pounds lighter.



I believe in this healthier life.  Motivation, Moderation, Movement is the key to a healthier ME!!!!!   
I BELIEVE I CAN Lose40 more pounds...

5 Quotes for the day

Quote #1
Dare to soar - how successful you are is determined by your attitude.

Quote #2
Have the courage to act on your dreams - leave behind you the internal forces that hold you back.

Quote #3
The power of one - one thought, one action, one solution.

Quote #4
Failure is only a fact when you give up. Everyone gets knocked down, the question is: Will you get
back up?

Quote #5
Accept the risk and then reap the rewards.


Day 1 of 60 Day challenge

I checked in at the YMCA at 5:50 am this morning; I've completed day 1 of  my 60 day challenge; burning 775 calories to get my day started; see you all tonight at the YMCA. 


Next Week

I'm stepping up my CARDIO challenge,  I'm working out in the AM & PM, I'll be going to the YMCA @ 6:00am everyday next week  and so on & in the afternoons.

I think I can do this for the next 2 months.


Happy 50th B-Day Rhonda

Rhonda's Surprise 50th B-Day Party at Gringo's..