

Green Smoothie Blend

Thanks Faith for this informative information, as I am always looking for new things to try, while on this healthier lifestyle journey. I’ll certainly try this and post comments and pics of the results.

Green Smoothie Blend.

I know it l...ooks wierd but it's really good.because a majority of it is fruit and then you have the silk coconut milk to add a little more sweetness to it.

1 banana, 1 canned peach, 4 frozen strawberries, 2 large handfuls of spinach, 1 scoop VEGA*, 1Tbsp Ground Flaxseed,1C Silk coconut milk, 1C water

This can make 32oz. 16oz for you and 16oz for your husband. Whichever works

#VEGA is a veggie protein powder that turns this GreenSmoothie into a super filling meal with lots of protein, fiber, and a full days worth of green veggies. Without vega or any protein, this smoothie won't satisfy you as a meal.
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